TalentForge Program

The TalentForge Program aimed to collaborate with organizations from diverse sectors to support skill development among recent
graduates. The initiative involved recruiting recent graduates and providing them with rigorous skill development sessions to enhance their abilities. These graduates will then be attached to willing organizations, creating a symbiotic relationship where interns gain valuable experience while organizations benefited from fresh perspectives and potential future employees.


The pilot program will select four beneficiaries to be attached to organizations in various departments, including

 – Administration

 – Finance

 – Human Resource

 – Project Management

Our recruitment process focused on identifying motivated recent graduates with third-class and second-class degrees who had completed their with National Youth Service Program with disciplines related to their target departments. Candidates were selected based on their demonstrated motivation, potential, and commitment to personal and professional growth.

Selected candidates are currently undergoing training assessments to tailor the training modules to their needs, with input from experts in the selected departments. Post-training assessments will be conducted to evaluate their skills and competencies for deployment to organizations for internships.
Participants selected for the TalentForge internship will experience an immersive and supportive working environment. Organizations will provide mentorship, structured learning opportunities, and exposure to real-world challenges. A monthly stipend of 50,000 naira will be provided to ensure financial support during their internship for six (6) Months in the program. 

A robust system of monitoring and evaluation was implemented throughout the program to track candidates’ progress, assess the program’s effectiveness, and provide insights for continuous improvement.


Talent Forge Induction


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