Fashion Upcycling

                                                                                   Have you heard of the word “UPCYCLING” before?

Upcycling is the process of repurposing old or discarded items into new and valuable products, retaining and improving the original material, unlike recycling which often breaks down materials.

The TA community is presenting Fashion Upcycling for social good. This project involves integrating upcycling techniques and principles into the fashion industry to have a positive effect on society and the environment.

Are you a fashion designer passionate about transforming lives through your creativity?

Do you have a lot of materials and you have thought of making beautiful pieces ranging from throw pillows, teddy bears, bags & Note pads?

We invite you to join us in making a meaningful impact on society by transforming discarded or unused materials into high-quality fashion items. This process not only reduces waste and promotes sustainable practices, but also creates a positive impact on individuals and communities.

To all Nigerians, do you have materials you no longer want to use, used or old clothing for all age brackets that you were thinking of discarding, please DON’T. You can contribute to the lives of a lot of people by donating these materials and clothing items to TA Community. We will transform them into beautiful and rebranded appeal.

Are you wondering what the materials collected will be used for?

Worry no more, these garments will be rebranded to a diverse range of beautiful clothing and distributed to a community of people living below the average.

If you are interested in touching life through your donation, please fill out the form below.
