
Project Tutored

The Ever-Green Initiative and She Builds ‘Project Tutored-Summer School for IDPs 2023’, in collaboration with the TA Community, aimed to facilitate the provision of both formal and informal basic education, to children residing in IDP camps and other vulnerable communities within the New Kuchingoro IDP Community Abuja, Nigeria


 Monday – Wednesday: Academic classes

 Thursday: Skill Acquisition

 Friday: Sports Day

 Saturday: Extracurricular activities such as Spelling Bee, Career Day, Excursion etc.

Target Participants was Internally Displaced children and youths (10-25 years)from Low-income communities and the host Communities for this project was New Kuchingoro IDP Camp Abuja.


The impact of Tutored Initiative was profound, reaching children and young people in low-income communities and providing them with pathways to a brighter future. By fostering educational continuity and empowering individuals with practical skills, the initiative contributed to breaking the cycle of poverty and promoting sustainable development.

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